Go to Ollies Blogspot and check this out.
Hat tip to the Red Rag
Figures have been released today which claim to show that the number of people unemployed in the UK has fallen and show a jobless rate of 7.8% with total unemployment standing at 2.45 million for the three months to January. So down 33,000 on the figure for the previous three months.
However a quick look at the ONS data reveals the smoke and mirrors. The number of people in work actually fell in the quarter, by 54,000 to 28.86 million. So how is it that both the number of people in work and the number of people out of work fell, did I miss a plague, a famine, a third world war? For only a massive reduction in the population could cause this surely.
Well no actually the ONS has the answer "unemployment and employment were both falling because of a rising number of people being classed as economically inactive. This category includes students and those on long-term sick leave, as well as those who have stopped looking for a job.
Ah, so that's it, unemployment has fallen because people have stopped looking for a job. FFS!
Long-term unemployment, covering those out of work for more than a year, rose by 61,000 to 687,000 a massive quarterly rise of almost 10%!
The lesson is - with this government - always read the fine print.
The inactivity rate was 21.5 per cent and there were 8.16 million working age inactive people.
8.16 Million people of working age doing nothing
8.16 Million people of working age doing nothing
8.16 Million people of working age doing nothing
8.16 Million people of working age doing nothing
8.16 Million people of working age doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are royaly fucked here !
Lying fuckin Toad Brown
Think about this
If 2.75 millions equals 7.8% of the workforce, this means the workforce is potentially 35.6 millions.
8.16 millions represents 24% of the potential workforce.
Factor in spouses, civil servants, local gummint spongers, etc and I bet this would come close to the 30% who say they will vote Labour.
Now you know, the significance of the client state to Labour.
Keep them poor, keep them dependent and harvest their postal votes.
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